Consumption Recommendations

According to Zija Formulator, Russ Bianchi, the best way to get 100% of the nutrients from the Smart Mix (or XM+) is to mix your packet in 20oz. of water at night and refrigerate it. The next morning on an empty stomach drink 10 oz, waiting 15 minutes before consuming any other beverage or food. Drink the remaining 10oz around midafternoon or before supper on an empty stomach.

If you are taking the XM/AM capsules for appetite control and fat metabolism, he recommends you take it around 11am (on an empty stomach before lunch).  If you then compliment that with XM/PM it is suggested that you take it 30 minutes before you eat dinner (on an empty stomach).

It's also very important that you drink the tea in order to rid your body of the toxins from the breakdown of the fat metabolism or your weight loss will come to a halt after a few weeks. Add your tea bag to 5oz of boiling water (do not microwave the water) and steep the tea bag for 5 minutes only. Drink the tea 1 hour before bed.

If you need to lose 50 lbs or more, drink the tea every night as your body will be getting rid of a lot of body fat, if you need to lose 25 lbs, drink the tea every other night, for weight maintenance drink the tea every 3-4 nights. You can adjust this if needed.

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